
Commands for the Discord bots

Use the navigation on the right to find the commands you want to know about.


The Discord server has bots that let you send text-to-speech messages, do fun things, or play music via the #bot channel!

For music and TTS bots, you must be in one of the voice channels to use them.

If the bot is not online on the right-hand member list, it is temporarily offline and will not work.

⋯ Text-to-Speech

Use these bots to send messages into voice channels when you're unable to speak!

⋯ $tts <text>

Use the command $tts <text> in #bot to run text-to-speech through ST Manager. ST Manager is a text-to-speech bot with two different English voices, but frequently goes offline.

$aeiou <text>

Run text-to-speech through ST Manager in a male robot voice. Similar to Moonbase Alpha.


Remove ST Manager from your voice channel.

$speed <normal|slow>

Change the speed ST Manager speaks at.

$lang <language_code>

Change the language ST Manager uses. You can find a <language_code> by using the command below.


List all language_codes for languages that ST Manager can use.


Show ST Manager's help menu.

⋯ *tts <text>

Use the command *tts <text> in #bot to run text-to-speech through Scriptly. Scriptly is the most reliable text-to-speech bot and has a few English voices.


Summon Scriptly into your voice channel.


Remove Scriptly from your voice channel.

*settings tts speed <normal|slow>

Change the speed Scriptly speaks at.

*settings tts voice <voice>

Change the voice Scriptly uses. You can find a <voice> by using the command below.


List all voices that Scriptly can use.


Show Scriptly's help menu. Any commands not mentioned above have been disabled.

☼ Various

Use these commands in #bot for funs and a few other nifty things.

☼ Birthday Bot


Set your birthday. The bot will then announce your birthday when it comes!

☼ Dyno Fun


Get a users' avatar.

?remindme <time> <text>

Set a reminder. Time format: 15m, 2 days, etc.

?whois <name>

Get user information.


Find some cute cat pictures.


Find some cute dog pictures.


Find some cute pug pictures.


Get a random Dad joke.


Get a random Chuck Norris fact.


Flip a coin


Roll this many six-sided dice.

?roll <d4|d6|d8|d10|d12|d20|d00> [amount]

Roll dice with this many sides. Amount optional.

?rps <rock|paper|scissors>

Play Rock Paper Scissors with the bot.


Check the stats of a country.


Get info on a song.


Get info on a pokemon.


Get info about the International Space Station.

♫ Music

Use these bots to play audio in voice channels and listen along with other people!

♫ !p <youtube>

!p <youtube link> to play a YouTube video through the bot.

[Working on the rest!]

♫ -p <spotify>

-p <spotify link> to play a song from Spotify through the bot.

[Working on the rest!]

♫ /lofi

/lofi to summon the 24/7 lofi music bot.

[Working on the rest!]

Last updated