
Commands to let you check the server


Use these commands to do things regarding the server.


Tag yourself as AFK.

Being tagged as AFK is cosmetic and does not freeze you in god mode.

You are also automatically tagged as AFK after 10 minutes of session inactivity.

Alts: /away


Get the server IP.

Alts: /serverip


Open the Survival world map.

You can either use this command, click the link in #info or access it directly at:

/playtime (username)

See your own play time and join count, or run the command with a username to see theirs.

Examples: /playtime /playtime BuzzyBee


See the ticks per second of the server for the past one, five and ten minutes.

You can think of tps as the heartbeat of the server. 20 tps is healthy. Lower tps is caused by lots of calculations (world generation, entities, etc.) and results in server lag.

You can paste clickable links in chat.

Last updated