
Survival, Creative, Lobby, and Special Events


The Minecraft server runs multiple worlds at once, each world has different purposes.

You can switch between them using the commands detailed below.


Survival will be where you spend most of your time.

This includes the nether and end dimensions.

You can teleport to Survival from any world by running /spawn or /home.


Creative is a superflat world granted to members that demonstrate good behavior.

Members must also have been on the server for 14 days to be considered.

Trusted members can teleport to Creative by running /creative.

In Creative, members can use all /gamemodes and /tppos <x y z> to teleport to coordinates.

WorldEdit is granted to members that demonstrate ideal behavior.

The Lobby

The Lobby is where new members join into the server.

Clicking the NPCs in the Lobby teleport members to Survival or Creative.

You will log in wherever you logged off, you will not be sent to the Lobby every time.

You can teleport to the Lobby by running /lobby, /hub, or /l.

Special Events

Special event worlds are created for community events and are accessible for a limited time.

Members can teleport to Special Events by running /warp <event>

#announcements will announce what warp to use.

Last updated