Frequently Asked Questions - Use Ctrl+F to search for what you need quickly!
Server Overview
The server ensures a balance between vanilla, quality of life changes, and socializing.
If the topic has not been covered in this handbook, it should be vanilla behavior. If you know something that isn't covered here, we'd love to learn! Chat with a staff member!
Alts? Second accounts?
No. Multiple member accounts are not allowed.
Automatic farms? Autoclicker rules?
✅ Periodic clicker ❌ Any botting ❌ Auto fishing
Basing? Can I live with my friends?
Border? World border size?
The world is 10 thousand blocks across.
The Nether is 10,000 blocks across. The End is a 10,000 blocks across.
Creative? Building world / testing world?
Yes! You must be whitelisted for 14 days, demonstrate good behavior, and ask a staff member.
Hard mode.
Duping? Rules on duping?
✅ TNT ✅ Carpet, rails, etc. ❌ Other
Treat the center island just like overworld spawn, minus the towers for obsidian. The end is disabled at first, then turned into an opening event.
Hosting service?
The server is hosted on BloomHost.
When players first join they log in to the Lobby and can join Survival or Creative via the NPCs. Read more details here.
Location? Where is the server hosted?
Map? Dynmap? Online map?
Mods? Client-side mods?
Botting/hacking clients/mods are not permitted. Tweak mods are allowed with fair use.
The community works together to make two central hubs, one under the nether roof and one above, with tunnels in each cardinal direction. Feel free to connect your portal to the tunnels.
Redstone rules? AFK farms?
Only make a farm for what you need, you share the server's capability with everyone.
Server-proof your farms where possible:
End chunk loader
Nether portals only, toggle with a pressure plate a player stands on
Try to substitute with blocks/tile entities
Exposed hoppers
Cover hoppers with containers (composters, furnaces, etc.)
Item entities overflowing
Create item overflow control (burn the items, etc.)
Light-emitting redstone features
Light up with other light sources to prevent constant light updates
Redstone dust
Try to use observers and powered rails
Redstone loops
Toggle on redstone loops when the farm is being used
Villager trading halls etc.
Build 160+ blocks away from your base
Render distance? Simulation distance?
Our render distance is currently set to 6 chunks. Our simulation distance is currently set to 4 chunks.
Render distance and simulation distance are typically 8 chunks.
Sleeping? Percentage?
20% of all online players must be sleeping for the night to pass. Sleeping will also clear weather and reset your insomnia for phantom spawning.
It's at 0, 0 Use /spawn to teleport there.
Last updated